
1981 Divine Aspirations in Atrahasis and in Genesis 1–11. Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 93.Parunak, H. van D.1983 Tran

n Rad, G.1962 Old Testament Theology. New York: Harper & Row.1972
Genesis: A Commentary, rev. ed. (Old Testament Library). Philadelphia: Westminster.Weiss, M.1984 The Bible from Within: The Method of Total Interpretation. Jerusalem: Magnes.Wenham, G.J.1988 Genesis: An Authorship Study and Current Pentateuchal Criticism. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 42: 3–18.Footnotesa. toledot is the Hebrew word for “generations.”­Ed.1. The best introductions to these Mesopotamian stories are still Heidel 1949 and 1963. See also Speiser’s translations of “The Creation Epic” (“Enuma elish”) and “The Epic of Gilgamesh” (1969:60–99) and the most recent translations by Dalley (1991: 109–20 [“Gilgamesh” XI]; 233–74 [“Enuma elish”]).2. See also Dalley 1991: 9–35.3. For a critical edition of the text, see Jacobsen 1939: 69ff.4. See Miller 1994: 144–46 for the appropriateness of the label “Eridu Genesis.”5. For other examples, see Livingstone 1986, chap. 4, “Works in Standard Babylonian explaining state rituals in terms of myths.” Note also C.H. Gordon’s view that the genealogies of Genesis which are usually attributed to P, “should not be detached from the narrative,” as indicated by Homeric epic (1965: 284). 6. Oden (1981:197–98) gives “a fairly comprehensive list” of studies in “Atra-Hasis” and its relevance to the Old Testament.7. He summarizes three views of the “noise” of humans, on pp. 206–207:a. G. Pettinato: the noise of their rebellious activity. Human rebellion consisted of not submitting to the divinely established order, and this lack of submission made the gods, particularly Enlil, restless.b. A.D. Kilmer, also Moran: behind the noise made by humans lay simply the problem of too many humans. In other words, the epic deals with the problem of overpopulation.c. Von Soden: the crime that occasioned the Flood was not simply human rebellion, as Pettinato argued, but more precisely the human tendency to reach ever higher to approach ever closer to the gods.8. E.g., Greenberg 1983:18–27; Weiss 1984.9. Cf. Clines 1994.10. Eg., Clark 1971: 205–206.11. In Thompson’s terminology, it is “an expanded genealogical narrative” (1987: 83).12. eg., Anderson 1994.13. Wenham 1988:13. Wenham notes here the observations made by Y.T. Radday et al. (1985).14. Later, however, in his commentary on Genesis, he ends his discussion of the Biblical primeval history with 12:9 as a “transitional paragraph” like 6:5–8 (1972:165).

In Search of Mt. Sinai
This article was first published in the June 2007 ABR E-Newsletter.Surprisingly, the location of Mt. Sinai, one of the most significant places in the Bible, is not known with any degree of certainty. Over the years some two dozen sites have been proposed, none of which meets the Biblical requirements. The site favored by most scholars is Gebel Musa (Mountain of Moses), or one of several nearby mountains, in the high-mountain region of southern Sinai.This problem is of utmost importance, since finding the correct location of Mt. Sinai is at the heart of the question of the historicity of the Exodus account. Scholars today largely discount the Biblical account of the sojourn in Egypt, Exodus and wilderness wanderings as fictional. They reach this conclusion because they say there is no concrete evidence that Israel ever was in Egypt or the Sinai.The identification of Gebel Musa as Mt. Sinai is a Christian tradition originating in the fourth century. We have no preserved Jewish tradition for the location of Mt. Sinai. Thus, there is a gap of 1800 years between the receiving of the law on Mt. Sinai (1446 BC) and the beginning of the Christian tradition. What is more, there is no documentation in any Christian source as to why this particular mountain was chosen.The only Jewish tradition we have concerning Mt. Sinai is that it is a low mountain (Babylonian Talmud and BaMidbar Rabbah). Gebel Musa, on the other hand, is very high (7,497 ft.). There are a number of other difficulties with a southern Sinai location for Mt. Sinai. To begin with, it is in the opposite direction from the Promised Land! Moreover, it is much too far from Midian (east of the Gulf of Aqaba) for Moses to have been shepherding Jethro's flocks there (Exod. 3:1). A third difficulty is that Mt. Sinai (also called Mt. Horeb) was located in the territory of Edom (Deut. 33:2, Judges 5:4; Hab. 3:3), which did not extend south of the north shore of the Gulf of Aqaba (Crew 2002). The most serious objection to the traditional location, however, is that it is too far from Kadesh Barnea for
the Israelites with their livestock (Exod. 13:38) to have made the journey in 11 days (Deut. 1:2; Wood 2000: 99).The Bible gives detailed information as to the stopping places of the Israelites on their way to, and after they left, Mt. Sinai, including travel times. But very few of the stopping places can be identified with confidence. It is possible, however, to determine the general area of Mt. Sinai from the Biblical data.When Moses journeyed from Midian to Egypt in obedience to God (Exod.4:19–20), he would have traveled by way of the Trans-Sinai Highway, which goes from the northern shore of the Gulf of Aqaba across the Sinai Peninsula to the northern end of the Gulf of Suez. Back in Egypt, God appeared to Aaron and commanded him, "Go into the desert to meet Moses" (Exod. 4:27a). Aaron likewise would have traversed this same road since it was the most direct route from Egypt to Midian. And where did Aaron meet Moses? "So he met Moses at the Mountain of God and kissed him" (Exod. learn english

Tags: gilgamesh, nimrod, kish, khorsabad, uruk, genesis 10, huwawa, cush, tiglath pileser, ziggurat, enkidu--> This article was first published i

f Ham were: Cush, Mizraim. Put and Canaan. Mizraim became the Egyptians. No one is sure where Put went to live. And it is obvious who the Canaanites were. Cush lived in the “land of Shinar” which most scholars consider to be Sumer. There developed the first civilization after the Flood. The sons of Shem, ­the Semites­, were also mixed, to some extent, with the Sumerians.We suggest that Sumerian Kish, the first city established in Mesopotamia after the Flood, took its name from the man known in the Bible as Cush. The first kingdom established after the Flood was Kish, and the name “Kish” appears often on clay tablets. The early post-Flood Sumerian king lists (not found in the Bible) say that ‘‘kingship descended from heaven to Kish” after the Flood. (The Hebrew name “Cush,” much later, was moved to present-day Ethiopia as migrations look place from Mesopotamia to other places.)The Sumerians, very early, developed a religio-politico state which was extremely binding on all who lived in it (except for the rulers, who were a law unto themselves). This system was to influence the Ancient Near East for over 3000 years. Other cultures which followed the Sumerian system were Accad, Babylon, Assyria, and Persia, which became the basis of Greece and Rome’s system of rule. Founded by Cush, the Sumerians were very important historically and Biblically. Found at Khorsabad, this eighth century BC stone relief is identified as Gilgamesh. The best-known of ancient Mesopotamian heroes, Gilgamesh was king of Uruk in southern Mesopotamia, His story is known in the poetic Gilgamesh Epic, but there is no historical evidence for his exploits in the story. He is described as part god and part man, a great builder and warrior, and a wise man in the story. Not mentioned in the Bible, the author suggests Gilgamesh is to be identified with Biblical Nimrod (Gn 10:8-12).Was “Nimrod” Godly or Evil? First, what does the name Nimrod mean? It comes from the Hebrew verb marad, meaning “rebel.” Adding an “n” before the “m” it becomes an infinitive construct, “Nimrod.” (see Kautzsch 1910: 137 2b, also BDB 1962: 597). The meaning then is “The Rebel.” Thus “Nimrod” may not be the character’s name at all. It is more likely a derisive term of a type, a representative, of a system that is epitomized in rebellion against the Creator, the one true God. Rebellion began soon after the Flood as civilizations were restored. At that time this person became very prominent.In Genesis 10:8-11 we learn that “Nimrod” established a kingdom. Therefore, one would expect to find also, in the literature of the ancient Near East, a person who was a type, or example, for other people to follow. And there was. It is a well-known tale, common in Sumerian literature, of a man who fits the description. In addition to the Sumerians, the Babylonians wrote about this person; the Assyrians likewise; and the Hittites. Even in Palestine, tablets have been found with this man’s name on them. He was obviously the most popular hero in the Ancient Near East.This face supposedly represents Huwawa who, according to the Gilgamesh’s Epic, sent the Flood on the earth. According to the story, Huwawa (Humbaba in the Assyrian version) was killed by Gilgamesh and his half man­half beast friend, Enkidu. The author suggests Huwawa is the ancient pagan perspective of Yahweh (YHWH), the God of the Bible. About 3 in (7.5 cm), this mask is dated to around the sixth century BC. Of an unknown provenance, it is now in the British Musuem. The Gilgamesh Epic The person we are referring to found in extra-Biblical literature was Gilgamesh. The first clay tablets naming him were found among the ruins of the temple library of the god Nabu (Biblical Nebo) and the palace library of Ashurbanipal in Nineveh. Many others have been found since in a number of excavations. The author of the best treatise on the Gilgamesh Epic says: The date of the composition of the Gilgamesh Epic can therefore be fixed at about 2000 BC. But the material contained on these tablets is undoubtedly much older, as we can infer from the mere fact that the epic consists of numerous originally independent episodes, which, of course, did not spring into existence at the time of the composition of our poem but must have been current long before they were compiled and woven together to form our epic (Heidel 1963: 15).Yet his arrogance, ruthlessness and depravity were a subject of grave concern for the citizens of Uruk (his kingdom). They complained to the great god Anu and Ann instructed the goddess Aruru to create another wild ox, a double of Gilgamesh, who would challenge him and distract his mind from the warrior’s daughter and the noblemen’s spouse, whom it appears he would not leave in peace (Roux 1966: 114).The Epic of Gilgamesh has some very indecent sections. Alexander Heidel, first translater of the epic, had the decency to translate the vilest parts into Latin. Spieser, however, gave it to us “straight” (Pritchard 1955: 72). With this kind of literature in the palace, who needs pornography? Gilgamesh was a vile, filthy, man. Yet the myth says of him that he was “2/3 god and 1/3 man.”The Babylonian Flood Story is told on the 11th tablet of the Gilgamesh Epic, almost 200 lines of poetry on 12 clay tablets inscribed in cuneiform script. A number of different versions of the Gilgamesh Epic have been found around the ancient Near East, most dating to the seventh century BC. The most complete version came from the library of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh. Commentators agree that the story comes from a much earlier period, not too long after the Flood as described in the story.Gilgamesh is Nimrod How does Gilgamesh compare with “Nimrod?” Josephus says of Nimrod: Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah­a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it were through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny­seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence upon his own power. He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! and that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers! (Ant. I: iv: 2)What Josephus says here is precisely what is found in the Gilgamesh epics. Gilgamesh set up tyranny, he opposed YHWH and did his utmost to get people to forsake Him.Two of the premier commentators on the Bible in Hebrew has this to say about Genesis 10:9: Nimrod was mighty in hunting, and that in opposition to YHWH; not ‘before YHWH’ in the sense of according to the will and purpose of YHWH, still less,...in a simply superlative sense...

The name itself,points to some violent resistance to God...
English Rosetta Stone

But that does not stop him from steering the reader

toward a more positive assessment of Tabor’s idea than the evidence can sustain. Tabor’s argument is further hampered—and I would say undone—by two considerations: (1) We have no proof that the Yose of the tomb is actually related to any of the other people named on the tomb’s ossuaries; and (2) even if Yose is related to the other people in the tomb—which is a reasonable guess, but a guess nonetheless—we have no idea HOW he was related since Yose’s ossuary lacks any patronym, or statement of kinship relation.This is perhaps a good place to highlight the need for clear thinking with regard to the Jesus tomb theory and the names in the tomb. The Jesus tomb theory is only compelling if two considerations are true: (1) that the Jesus of the tomb’s Jesus ossuary was in fact Jesus of Nazareth, and (2) the names of the people in the tomb are related to the Jesus of this tomb in the same way that people with those names were related to the Jesus of the New Testament. Both of these are inextricably linked. We can only embrace the Jesus tomb theory if its Jesus figure was Jesus of Nazareth, and that in turn can only be established if the other people in the tomb are the people who knew Jesus of Nazareth. Hence, the Jesus figure of the tomb only takes on the identity of Jesus of Nazareth if it can be established that the other people in the tomb were related to the Jesus figure the way the New Testament describes. The inscriptions must match the New Testament record to “get Jesus in the tomb,” so to speak. If they do not, there is no case.This means that from the outset, the reader must make a basic decision before embracing or rejecting the Jesus tomb theory. You must decide if you are going to make your decision to embrace or reject on the basis of data that actually exist, or data that are speculated to have once existed. The former is real; the latter is the domain of the imagination. This decision is fundamental to processing the inscriptions in the Talpiot tomb in terms of what we can actually know and what we imagine might be knowable. The data provide us with six ossuaries with the following inscriptions:• Mariamenou [e] Mara (“Mary, who is Martha / lord”); or(Mariamē kai Mara; “Mary and Martha”) (Pfann 2007)• Yhwdh br Yshw’ (“Judah/Jude, son of Jesus”)• Mtyh (“Matiyahu”; “Matthew”)• Yshw’ br Yhwsp (“Jesus, son of Joseph”)• Ywsh (“Joseph/Yose”)• Mryh (“Mary”)Notice that only two of the names have what is called a patronym—a descriptive phrase denoting family affiliation or ancestry (e.g., “Jude, son of Jesus”; “Jesus, son of Joseph”).What this means is that, in terms of data that actually exists,the Talpiot tomb tells us only that we have a Jesus who was the son of a Joseph, and a Jude who was the son of a Jesus. We know nothing about the other relationships of the other people in the tomb. Despite this paucity of information, Jacobovici and his associates know how the mind works. Since millions around the world are familiar with the names of Jesus, Mary, Joseph,and Mary Magdalene—whether because of Biblical literacy or The DaVinci Code—the creators of the Jesus Family Tomb documentary assume correctly that when a person hears those names presented together, the mind will immediately cluster them in a manner associated with the New Testament. The mind therefore “defaults” to the supposition that these people are related in the way the New Testament describes, and so the mind is predisposed to equate them with the actual New Testament characters. But that is not what the data from the tomb tell us, since there are no patronyms that produce that conclusion—it is just where the mind goes subconsciously. The data speak to two family relationships. Now here is what we do not know, based on the lack of patronyms, not on where our mind wanders:• We do not know if all or even most of the people in the Talpiot tomb are related. It is assumed that the Talpiot tomb is a family tomb, but we do not actually know that. It is probably a fair guess, but it does not lend any clarity to the situation.• We do not know who among the named occupants of the tomb were immediate or distant relatives. We have only two sonship patronyms on six ossuaries, but that is not as helpful as it has been assumed.• We do not know if the people in the ossuaries were adults or children. There is nothing inscribed on any of the ossuaries that tells us anything about the age of the occupants.• We do not know if the two Jesus names on the ossuaries are one and the same. That is, we do not know if Joseph, Jesus, and Jude are grandfather, father, and son. Those relationships are assumed by the defenders of the Jesus Family tomb theory, but they are actually only speculation. These three individuals could be unrelated in terms of immediate family, but still belong in the family tomb because they are more distantly related to the immediate family members in the tomb.• Though it is assumed, we do not know that Mary (not the Mariamenou) in the tomb is the mother of Jesus. There is no patronym that conveys this information. That Mary mayhave been the sister of the tomb’s Jesus, or an aunt, or a grandmother.• It is also assumed that Mariamenou, considered to be Mary Magdalene, was married to the Talpiot Jesus. Positing such a relationship is based purely on speculation, not on what the ossuaries actually tell us.• We have no way of knowing from the data that actually exists if either Mary was married to the Joseph in the tomb who was supposedly the father of Jesus.The general point to be made by these observations is important. If we have no data with which to match the family relationships that existed between the people who bore these names in the New Testament and the named individuals in the Talpiot tomb, we cannot make an evidence-based claim that this is the Jesus Family Tomb. That conclusion cannot be drawn from the existing data; it must be supplied by means of the imagination.Tabor would respond that the mitochondrial DNA evidence lends support to his view of the names in the tomb. We read from a different blog post:There are two “Marys” in this tomb, known by different forms of that name, namely Maria and Mariamene. The mitDNA test indicates the Mariamene in this tomb is not related to Yeshua as mother or sister on the maternal side. That leaves open the likelihood that Maria could well be the mother, especially if we have two of her sons, Yeshua and Yose, in this tomb. It would make sense that she would be buried with her children in this intimate, small, family tomb and that her ossuary would be inscribed Maria (2007a).Yes, this would make sense—if the data actually told us that Yeshua and Yose were the sons of Mary—but of course there are neither patronyms nor DNA evidence for that. The absence of patronyms means that this Mary could be the wife, sister, or cousin of Yeshua or Yose. The fact that the mitDNA test indicates the Mariamene in this tomb is not related to Yeshua as mother or sister on the maternal side does not rule out a host of other possibilities, including sharing the same father. Yeshua and Mariamne could have had the same father with different mothers or could be paternally related as cousins, aunts-uncle, grandparents, or father-daughter. They could even be close family friends. I can think of several adjectives that would characterize this line of argumentation, but “compelling” is not one of them.THE STATISTICAL RARITY OF THE COMBINATION OF THE NAMESTabor’s second argument is that the combination of names on the ossuaries is statistically improbable, and so the Talpiot tomb is likely the Jesus family tomb. Anyone who has followed the debate over the Talpiot tomb knows that this statistical argument has been forcefully disputed, chiefly by Dr. Randy Ingermanson, whose expertise is computational physics,a field that requires professional experience in statistics.Dr.

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mystery man who informed him of a fifth anchor

And a sixth anchor found off the Munxar Reef.After his investigations, the author had a problem. He had no tangible proof of the anchor stocks to show the world. The first of the anchor stocks was melted down; the second, third and fourth were in private collections; and the fifth and six had been sold. According to the Maltese antiquities law, it was illegal for the private citizens to have the anchor stocks in their possession, a fear expressed by each diver/family that told their stories about the anchor stocks in his or its possession (Cornuke 2003: 108, 112, 126). A strategy, however, was devised that would get those who possessed the anchor stocks to reveal them to the public. The aid of the US ambassador to Malta, Kathy Proffitt, was enlisted to convince the President and Prime Minister of Malta to offer an amnesty to anyone who would turn over antiquities found off the Munxar Reef (2003: 221-223). The pardons were issued on September 23, 2002. This resulted in two anchor stocks being turned over to the authorities. Now the book could be written. Thorough Research?When I first read the book, I was disappointed to find that Mr. Cornuke does not interact with, or mention, some very important works on the subject of Paul’s shipwreck; nor are they listed in his bibliography. The classic work on this subject is James Smith’s The Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul. In fact, the noted New Testament and classical scholar, F. F. Bruce said this book was "an indispensable handbook to the study of this chapter [Acts 27]" (1981: 499), and elsewhere, "This work remains of unsurpassed value for its stage-by-stage annotation of the narrative of the voyage" (1995: 370, footnote 9). Yet nowhere in his book does Mr. Cornuke mention Smith’s work or even discuss the information contained therein. Nor is there any mention of George Musgrave’s, Friendly Refuge (1979), or W. Burridge’s, Seeking the Site of St. Paul’s Shipwreck (1952). There are some scholars who do not believe Paul even was shipwrecked on the island of Malta. Nowhere in Mr. Cornukes’ "Lost Shipwreck" is there an acknowledgment or even a discussion of the Dalmatia or Greek sites.James Smith identifies the place of landing as St. Paul’s Bay, others suggest different beaches within the bay. Musgrave suggested the landing was at Qawra Point at the entrance to Salina Bay. Burridge places the shipwreck in Mellieha Bay. Those who reject the island of Malta as the place of the shipwreck point out that the Book of Acts uses the Greek word "Melite" (Acts 28:1). There were two "Melite’s" in the Roman world: Melite Africana, the modern island of Malta, and Melite Illyrica, an island in the Adriatic Sea called Mljet in Dalmatia (Meinardus 1976: 145-147). A recent suggestion for the shipwreck was the island of Cephallenia in Greece (Warnecke and Schirrmacher 1992).Did the sea captain and crew recognize the land? (Acts 27:39)Luke states, "When it was day, they did not recognize the land; but they observed a bay with a beach" (Acts 27:39a). The sea captain and the sailors could see the shoreline, but did not recognize the shoreline and where they were. It was only after they had gotten to land that they found out they were on the island of Malta (Acts 28:1).Lionel Casson, one of the world’s leading experts on ancient nautical archaeology and seafaring, describes the route of the Alexandrian grain ships from Alexandria in Egypt to Rome. In a careful study of the wind patterns on the Mediterranean Sea and the account of Lucian’s Navigation that gives the account of the voyage of the grain ship Isis, he has demonstrated that the ship left Alexandria and headed in a northward direction. It went to the west of Cyprus and then along the southern coast of Asia Minor (modern day Turkey) and headed for Knidos or Rhodes. The normal route was under (south of) the island of Crete and then west toward Malta. Thus the eastern shoreline of Malta was the recognizable landmark for them to turn north and head for Syracuse, Sicily and on to Puteoli or Rome (1950: 43-51; Lucian, The Ship or the Wishes; LCL 6: 431-487).Mr. Cornuke correctly states: "Malta itself was well visited as a hub of trade during the time of the Roman occupation and would have been known to any seasoned sailor plying the Mediterranean" (2003: 31). Any seasoned sailor coming from Alexandria would clearly recognize the eastern shoreline of Malta.He also properly identified two of the many ancient harbors on Malta as being at Valletta and Salina Bay (2003: 32). The ancient Valletta harbor was much further inland in antiquity and is called Marsa today, and is at the foot of Corradino Hill (Bonanno 1992: 25). Roman storehouses with amphorae were discovered in this region in 1766-68 (Ashby 1915: 27-30). When Alexandrian grain ships could not make it to Rome before the sea-lanes closed for the winter, they wintered on Malta (see Acts 28:11). They would off load their grain and store them in the storehouses of Marsa (Gambin 2005). Sea captains coming from Alexandria would be very familiar with the eastern shoreline of Malta before they entered the harbor of Valletta.The city of Melite was the only major city on Roman Malta, there were however, villas and temples scattered throughout the countryside. Today Melite lies under the modern city of Mdina / Rabat. The main harbor for Melite was Marsa, not Salina Bay (Said-Zammit 1997: 43,44,132; Said 1992: 1-22).Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian who lived in the First Century BC, states regarding Malta: "For off the south of Sicily three islands lie out in the sea, and each of them possesses a city and harbours which can offer safety to ships which are in stress of weather. The first one is that called Melite [Malta], which lies about eight hundred stades from Syracuse, and it possesses many harbours which offer exceptional advantages." (Library of History 5:12:1-2; LCL 3: 129). Note his description, "many harbors." Many includes more than just two; so where are the rest?Knowledge of Arabic can give us a clue. The word "marsa" is the Arabic word for harbor (Busuttil 1971: 305-307). There are at least three more harbors that can be added to the list. The Marsamxett harbor within the Grand Harbor of Valletta; Marsascala Bay just north of St. Thomas Bay; and Marsaxlokk Bay in the southeast portion of Malta all would be Roman harbors. The last bay was a major Roman harbor / port that served the famous Temple of Juno on the hill above it and was also a place for ships to winter.Any ancient Mediterranean Sea captain, or seasoned sailor on the deck of a ship anchored off the Munxar Reef, immediately would recognize the eastern shoreline of Malta with these Roman harbors and anchorages. Malta was the landmark for sailors traveling from Crete and about to turn north to Sicily. The eastern end of the island would be what they saw first and it would be a welcome sight.There are at least four recognizable points that could be seen from the outer Munxar Reef had this been the exact spot of the shipwreck of Paul as Mr. Cornuke argues. The first was the entrance to Marsaxlokk Bay where a Roman harbor / port was, the second, the entrance to Marsascala Bay where another Roman harbor was located. The third point would be the dangerous Munxar Reef (or small islands or peninsula in the 1st century AD) that any sea captain worth his salt would recognize because of its inherent danger. The final point, and most important, was the site known today as Tas-Silg. This was a famous temple from the Punic / Roman period dedicated to one goddess known by different names by the various ethnic groups visiting the island. She was Tanit to the Phoenicians, Hera to the Greeks, Juno to the Romans, and Isis to the Egyptians (Trump 1997: 80, 81; Bonanno 1992: Plate 2 with a view of St. Thomas Bay in the background).In preparation for my January 2005 trip to Malta I studied this important temple. It was a landmark for sailors coming from the east. Could this temple be seen from the outer Munxar Reef? On the first day I arrived in Malta, Tuesday, January 11, a fellow traveler and I went to visit the excavations.

Rosetta Stone Japanese


10 Mar 11 The History Of Enrolled Agents

The History Of Enrolled AgentsBy: Sawyer Adams .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet Enrolled Agents are provided with special privileges for representing others in settling claims with the government. Since the implementation of the federal ine tax in 1913, the job of an EA has involved representing taxpayers with the Internal Revenue Service. Consequently, an EA is monly referred to an IRS enrolled agent because the IRS now regulates EA standards regarding registration, continuing education, and professional conduct.However, the EA designation actually predates the federal ine tax. Enrolled agents were created by an act of Congress in 1884. The purpose of the legislation was empowering enrolled agents to advocate claims of citizens against the government relating to confiscation of property during the War Between the States. The intent of this legislation was administering with fair treatment the many petitions against the federal government. This remained the authorized purpose of an EA until the ine tax was implemented.Today, enrolled agent jobs involve settling inquiries, disputes, and claims for payment between the IRS and taxpayers. In addition, the role of an EA has eventually expanded to include preparing various tax forms. Therefore, enrolled agents are required to plete EA hours of tax preparation education.As the tax code has evolved to include greater detail, EA ethical standards imposed by the IRS bee increasingly important. An EA must conduct reasonable inquiry into taxpayer information in order to avoid misstatements of taxable ine and tax deductions. Most enrolled agents meet ethics CPE requirements by pleting ethics continuing education online.Revisions to Circular 230 in 1951 permitted enrolled agents to represent taxpayers in actually negotiating with the IRS. This expanded the role of an EA in an IRS audit of a taxpayer.In 1959, the Special Enrollment Exam was created. To attain registration as an EA, passing this exam became the new requirement. It replaced an exam previously prepared by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.Enrolled agents formed the National Association of Enrolled Agents in 1972. This organization was created to represent the collective interests of enrolled agents in matters involving IRS rules and congressional legislation affecting their professional tax practices.Article Source: abcarticledirectoryFast Forward Academy is a leading publisher of enrolled agent CPE. Visit us online for FREE EA CPE.Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Sawyer AdamsRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Auditing via RSS!Additional Articles From - Home Accounting AuditingWhat you need to know about Auditing from the experts.- By : john newportCulture and business proposition- By : foxhatsNavigating Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions- By : Sawyer AdamsAbout The National Association Of Enrolled Agents (NAEA)- By : Sawyer AdamsThe Canon Sd780is Black Silver Gold Red - Very Nice Christmas Gift- By : ArticleSubmit AutoIRS Increasing Enforcement Activity- By : Sawyer AdamsDestination Military Surplus Products- By : Ali Khan5 Tips For Getting The Right Health Insurance For Your Needs- By : danica12 Quick Tips For Eye Shadow- By : Ali Khan10 Simple Steps To A Clearer Skin- By : Ali Khan Still Searching? Last Chance to find what you're looking for. Try using Bing Search!


5 Mar 11 The Ultimate Secret to Being a Successful Internet Marketer

The Ultimate Secret to Being a Successful Internet MarketerBy: Matt OConnor .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet Internet marketing is a term often confused. Let's face it, slapping up a website and sticking Google adsense ads on it, is not really marketing is it? Unfortunately every method or system to make money via the net tends to be lumped under the term "internet marketing".No matter, because it's not the systems you choose to work with that will make you sucessful beyond your wildest dreams. It's not theHockey Jersey
software you use or the ebooks you read that will make you rake in the cash. It's certainly not the forums you frequent and the amount of time you spend idly daydreaming about how much you'll make...eventually.But then that much you knew.So what is (in my humble opinion) the number one factor in making your chosen home based career a success. Well, it's discipline, it's focus and most of all it's the ability to stick at one thing until you have success with it.How many times have you started off on one course of action, full of enthusiasm, dollar signs in your eyes only to get distracted. Another bright and shiny offer comes into view, another "guaranteed" way to make money and you're off again.Someone once told me that success is like a the outside of a sphere and we are at the centre of it. If you keep going in the same direction, eventually you'll see success. If you keep changing direction then of course you're doomed to stay in the sphere going around and around never achieving your goals.This is so true!If you want to roll a car down a hill (metaphorically speaking!) and all you do is give one a little push before moving onto another, they're never going to get down that hill! If you stick to the one car and keep pushing and pushing then, yep, it's gonna go rollin'!Alright, that last metaphor was a bit ropey but I hope you see my point.Keep moving in the right direction and eventually you'll see success.But how do we know which is the right direction? Look around forums, follow other marketers and see what they do. Don't copy their work, merelyCalgary Flames jersey
their techniques, apply them to a niche of your own choosing.If it's working for them, then you can make it work for you. What one man can do, another can do.It's not the particular system or method that's the problem, it's your dedication. How much do you really want it? How much do you want to escape the daily grind? The power is in your hands - make a decision today to start your own venture.Article Source: http://www.shop-on-sale.com Hungry for internet marketing success? Matthew, the author of this article runs a site dedicated to internet marketing product reviews. Check out the brand new Niche Marketing On Crack Review.Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Matt OConnorRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Affiliate Programs What Cloth Diaper Provides The Top Match For Newborns?- By : mirtagaylWhat is Affiliate Marketing and Why You Should Do It?- By : James A AndersonEarning Money Quickly With Email Marketing - True or False?- By : chad buistMoney Creating Tips For Individuals Involved In An Online Affiliate Marketing Home Business- By : Flames jersey
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24 Jan 11 Ohio State-Illinois: Buckeyes Are Big Favorites Over Illini

Jamie Sabau/Getty ImagesThis Saturday the No. 2-ranked Ohio State Buckeyes will head to Champaign to take on the Illinois Fighting Illini.The Buckeyes cruised to a 73-20 win over Eastern Michigan last week, while the Fighting Illini came away with a 28-22 win at home over Northern Illinois.If you Reebok San Francisco 49ers #21 Frank GORE Realtree camo Jersey
are thinking about betting on the game this weekend, the current college football odds have the Buckeyes favored by 17.5 points over the Fighting Illini on the road.Ohio State (4-0, 0-0 Big Ten)The Buckeyes look about as good as you can look four games into the season, as they have won by at least double digits in every game this season. The offense comes in averaging 49.3 points per game this season, and the defense has been awfully good as well, allowing just 14.5 points a game.Quarterback Terrelle Pryor really helped out his Heisman hopes with a monster game against Eastern Michigan last week, as Pryor threw for 224 yards and four touchdowns, ran for 104 yards and a touchdown, and even caught a touchdown pass in the win. Pryor has thrown for 939 yards and 10 touchdowns and run for 269 yards and three scores.Dane Sanzenbacher had a monster day receiving the football last week, as he caught nine passes for 108 yards and four touchdowns.Illinois (2-1, 0-0 Big Ten)The Fighting Illini will have their hands full this weekend Reebok Washington Redskins #98 ORAKPO Realtree camo Jersey
against Ohio State. Even though Illinois has won its last two games, both games were against pretty easy opponents.Last week the Illini had a tough time against Northern Illinois, as they led 21-19 with six minutes left in the game. The Illini, however, were able to secure the win with a 29-yard touchdown run by Mikel LeShoure with just under two minutes to go.Quarterback Chandler Harnish was efficient, completing 19 of 25 passing for 208 yards throwing the football, but was really effective running the ball, as he had 117 yards and a touchdown on just 11 carries. Harnish will need a lot of help this weekend against Ohio State if the Fighting Illini want any chance of pulling off another big upset against the Buckeyes.Looking at the OddsIn my opinion this is about as easy as it gets this weekend, as I see no reason why the Buckeyes won win this game by at least 20 points. The Buckeyes have held the Fighting Illini to 10 points or less in each of the last seven meetings.The Illini have done most of their damage on the ground this season, Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers 43 Troy Polamalu Realtree camo Jersey
averaging 229 yards a game, but that wonbe the case this weekend against the Buckeyes defense, as Ohio State allows just 70 yards a game on the ground.Get your money in now, as the Buckeyes are going to roll over the Illini this weekend. My final score prediction is Ohio State 38, Illinois 16.Interested in making some money this football season? Check out what our expert college football handicappers have to offer in their weekly college football picks.


22 Jan 11 Iowa Report Card vs. Arizona: Special Teams Fails for Hawkeyes

Christian Petersen/Getty ImagesDespite a valiant comeback attempt, Iowa couldn't manage the late game heroics that it had last season. The Hawkeyes were awful in the first quarter thanks to a number of special teams mishaps, and couldn't erase a 20-point halftime deficit. But there were certainly positives, as Iowa was the better team for the majority of the game.Let's take a look at how the Hawkeyes fared in their first loss of the season.Offense: CFor all the criticism Ricky Stanzi received during the game, he actually played pretty well. He led the Hawkeyes on aReebok Arizona Cardinals Larry Fitzgerald Realtree camo Jersey
couple of key scoring drives and his one interception wasn't his fault.The wide receivers also played well at pointsMarvin McNutt had a few spectacular catches and Derrell Johnson-Koulianos had a long touchdown catch, but there were too many drops and a tip by McNutt led to an Arizona pick six.However, the running game was virtually non-existent, as Jewel Hampton was injured during the game and Adam Robinson rushed for a mere five yards on 10 carries.The inexperienced offensive line, which received praise after solid performances during their first two games, allowed four straight sacks on Iowa's final offensive chance.The bottom line, the offensive line needs to improve, but fortunately for the Hawkeyes, we have likely seen the very worst this offense can be.Defense: BThe defense actually didn't play all that bad, Reebok Baltimore Ravens #5 Joe Flacco Realtree camo Jersey
and if the game only consisted of Arizona's offense vs. Iowa's defense, the Wildcats would have won 13-6.The defensive line was solid, especially in the second half, and the linebackers played well. But the cornerback position is definitely a concern, as Arizona quarterback Nick Foles had a very good day passing.The last Arizona drive is also worrisome, as the clutch Iowa defense couldn't hold up when it really mattered.But, like the offense, this is likely the worst we will ever see the Iowa defense, so the future should be much brighter.Special Teams: F-Special teams was the one troublesome spot for Iowa coming out of its first two games and the unit proved to suspect once again.The troubles started almost immediately, as an Iowa punt was blocked on the game's first series. Then, Arizona returned a kickoff 101 yards for Reebok Baltimore Ravens #27 Ray Rice Realtree camo Jersey
a touchdown.The final straw came after Broderick Binns' interception return for a touchdown, when Trent Mossbrucker missed an extra point that would have given Iowa its first lead of the night.The bottom line is that the Hawkeyes need to improve its special teamsespecially kickoff return coverageor else a unit that has typically been one of Iowa's strong points could come back to bite it later on in the season.


18 Jan 11 South Carolina-Auburn: Five Keys to a Gamecock Victory

Mike Zarrilli/Getty ImagesIt isn't hyperbole to state that this game could be a program-changing gameone where the genius of Steve Spurrier is back at the forefront of everyone's mind. In a season full of promise, the first real road test is proving to shape up to be a real doozy. No. 12 South Carolina and No. 17 Auburn both want this game tremendously. However, South Carolina needs it to finally announce what they have been waiting years to be... We are contenders in the SEC. No, a close game won't cut it. Currently, Sportsline.com has Auburn going to a BCS bowl in its predictions. Arizona Cardinals jersey
That could become South Carolina. Who would have thought that Carolina would ever even be considered a player for a BCS berth? If they win this game, they have to be. Position South Carolina Advantage Even Auburn Advantage Quarterback X Running Backs/Fullbacks X Wide Receivers X Offensive Line X Defensive Line X Linebackers X Defensive Backs X Special Teams X Coaching X Auburn has the advantage in many categories, but it is closeespecially at quarterback and running back. Believe it or not, Stephen Garcia has been fairly effective, but Cam Newton has been a Heisman candidate all year long.As one-sided as the chart looks, it is so close you could almost put even all the way down. Here are the keys to a Carolina victory. 1. Contain Cam Newton's running ability. The key to beating Auburn is to beat Cam Newton. Period. He is a dangerous weapon and can utilize his feet in ways that some quarterbacks not named Denard Robinson dream of. However, you can't just stack the box, because Cam can throw. He isn't the best passer in the world, but he can make big plays. He isn't some running back pretending to be a quarterback. It will take a disciplined defense in order to contain Newton. 2. Air the ball out more. Marcus Lattimore has a large target on him. Atlanta Falcons jersey
Auburn's defense will have their eyes on him the entire game. Take advantage of this. Garcia has a great arm and some serious weapons. If Alshon Jeffery doesn't get his first touchdown in this game (he has had over 100 yards receiving yet no TDs), Carolina will lose this game. Use Ace Sanders' speed in the slot. Use Tori Gurley's height. It doesn't matter what you use...just get the ball in the air. Take chances. 3. Don't ignore the talented running backs on Auburn's roster. While the team concentrates on Cameron Newton, they must not forget Michael Dyer and Onterio McCalebb, a formidable one-two punch at running back. These guys are like thunder and lightning, and they both have skill sets that perfectly complement each other. This team has to be ready for runners to be all over the place. They need to be disciplined and ready to watch the ball more than the play. 4. Avoid leaving the middle of the field open this week. Last week against Furman, South Carolina showed a frightening propensity to leave the middle of the field wide open. While Cam Newton scrambles, safeties and corners may want to leave and help. Don't. If he notices the defense become antsy and start to cheat, Auburn will score on numerous big plays, and the game could get out of hand. 5. The linebackers must play the GAME OF THEIR LIVES. The most critical defensive players to stopping the Auburn offense are the linebackers. They are responsible for maintaining and controlling the run game so the corners don't feel obliged to help.If Shaq Wilson is able to come Baltimore Ravens jersey
back, it would be a huge boost to the linebacker corps. Prediction: South Carolina 24, Auburn 20. With the death of Kenny McKinley, I expect this team to play out of their minds. The experts are split on this game, but I have to go with my heart, and I expect Carolina to win one for Kenny. Got to say it again...long live No. 11. He will be out on that field with them on Saturday.


15 Jan 11 St. Louis Rams "Top 10 things fans can say around the water cooler"

It just doesn't get much bleaker than this.St. Louis fans were filled with optimism at the beginning of the 2007 season, touting the Rams' array of offensive weaponry and upgrades on defense. It was assumed that the Rams had the talent to make the playoffs and possibly retake the division title.A little over a month later, the cruel sledgehammer of reality has waylaid the remaining fans who have yet to find something else to do with their Sundays. Those few that will continue to watch are either die-hards, masochists or suffer from a shared delusion that "it's not over yetReebok San Francisco 49ers #21 Frank GORE Realtree camo Jersey
."For those who have yet to be driven insane by the Rams' ineptitude and are desperate to find a silver lining in the aftermath of their loss to Arizona, here are the top 10 things the 0-5 team's loyalists can say to each other around the water cooler this week:"We're still not mathematically eliminated.""No one on the offensive line went down this week.""We're only three games out of first place!""Will Kurt Warner be a free agent next year?""Richie Incognito sure looked enthusiastic.""Were those referees on loan from the NBA?""Actually, scoring touchdowns in a game is a moral victory.""The announcers mentioned Drew Bennett and Randy McMichael ... by name!""Who does Mel Kiper have ranked No. 1 overall for the '08 draft?""Nobody comes into our house favored by four and beats the spread!"So, for the legion of St. Louis fans who, by reading this article, prove that they have yet to give up on their team, take solace in the fact that things can't possibly get any worse. Marc Bulger and Steven Jackson should return soon, and although St. Louis won'tReebok Washington Redskins #98 ORAKPO Realtree camo Jersey
make the playoffs, it should become competitive once more.Then again, Arizona wasn't exactly dominant in its victory, Seattle looks as if it's on a steep decline, and San Francisco can't generate any offense.Hmmm ...**You can e-mail Steve Reynolds at sreynoldsGet weekly St. Louis Rams coverage (4)


14 Jan 11 Seattle Seahawks "Shaun Alexander's gone, which is reason to be neither happy nor sad"

The most polarizing figure in Seattle Seahawks history is gone, and – typically – folks have mixed feelings about it. Most figured the release of Shaun Alexander was a foregone conclusion – particularly after the team signed T.J. Duckett and Julius Jones last month. Many couldn’t wait for the team to get rid of Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers #86 Hines Ward Realtree camo Jersey
Alexander, who had suffered through two injury-filled, ineffective seasons since he was voted the league’s most valuable player in 2005 and then signed a $62 million contract. While the SA haters were many and vocal (they could be heard booing Alexander even in pre-game introductions at Qwest Field last season), there were plenty of fans who were sorry to see Alexander go because they remember what he did for the Seahawks.Alexander leaves as the team’s all-time rusher – numbers he compiled largely in a five-year run (2001-05) that was as productive as any running back in the history of the NFL. During that time, he averaged 1,500 rushing yards per season and scored 98 of his team-record 112 touchdowns. He also accomplished the following feats:–He became one of two players in NFL history to score at least 15 touchdowns in five consecutive seasons;–He became one of five players in NFL history to score at least 20 touchdowns in consecutive seasons;–He became one of five players in NFL history to rush for back-to-back 1,600 yard seasons;–He was named to three consecutive Pro Bowls (2003-05) and in 2005 became the first Seahawk to be named the NFL’s most valuable player. Alexander leaves Seattle with a team-record 9,429 rushing yards – 2,700 more than Chris Warren and Curt Warner. His 112 touchdowns are 11 more than Steve Largent had in his Hall of Fame career – and 50 more than Warner and 64 more than Warren. His 100 rushing touchdowns tie him with Marshall Faulk for seventh in NFL history.Alexander also set a couple of obscure NFL records: He had the most consecutive games of 100 or more yards rushing vs. division foes (nine) and also had at least one run of 10 or more yards in 64 consecutive games, topping the record of 60 previously held by Barry Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers James Harrison Realtree camo Jersey
Sanders (1995-98).Even with all of those achievements, though, Alexander still was not nearly as beloved as Warner was. And that’s because Alexander didn’t seem to play as hard as Warner did, because Alexander didn’t catch as well as Warner did, because Alexander didn’t put as much effort into blocking as Warner did, and, well, because Alexander just didn’t seem to be as good of a teammate as Warner did. Some say Alexander’s accomplishments were the product of a great offensive line, that he was just lucky to be in the right place at the right time as the Seahawks found that ever elusive synergy among their front five. But to think that Maurice Morris or some other second-tier runner could have accomplished what Alexander did – even behind a line that got better and better for five years – is to grossly misunderstand the talent Alexander brought to the field.There is a reason the Seahawks drafted him 19th overall in 2000 – and were ecstatic to have gotten him, even though they still had Ricky Watters at the time. When healthy, Alexander was (and is) elusive and shifty, with a weaving running style that made opponents think he was not running hard or fast. And he had such a nose for the end zone that it became a running joke – “If only Shaun ran as hard between the 20s as he does inside them ...” Alexander was talented – there is no denying it. But there’s also no arguing with the fact that his style was by its nature self-protective; he had a knack for avoiding serious injuries (until the last two seasons) because he would never take a big hit. But that often made him look soft, and fans and teammates did not like that. Too often, Alexander would make people cheer on one play as he busted off one of those touchdown runs only to make fans jeer on the next play as he went down a yard short of Reebok San Francisco 49ers #21 Frank GORE Realtree camo Jersey
the first-down marker.He was easily the most productive running back in Seattle history and for five years did things that few running backs have done in the history of the NFL, but Alexander did too many other things that prevented people from loving him as they might have. He was the most polarizing player in Seahawks history, and that’s why it’s hard to be happy or sad that he is gone.


13 Jan 11 More Than LeBron James: Cleveland Cavaliers' Depth Puts Them Atop NBA

Ezra Shaw/Getty ImagesHe may not have his Scottie Pippen-like sidekick, but LeBron James isn’t complaining.Cleveland’s all-everything superstar picked up his third Eastern Conference Player of the Week award following a stretch that proved the Cavaliers are anything but a one-man show.Latest exhibit: The emergence of Reebok Oakland Raiders #21 Nnamdi Asomugha Realtree camo Jersey
forward Jawad Williams.The former North Carolina Tar Heel, who grew up in the suburbs of Cleveland, began playing meaningful minutes when Jamario Moon was sidelined with an abdominal strain Jan. 5.With Moon out three weeks, coach Mike Brown turned to Williams, who has responded by averaging eight points in 17 minutes a game. That’s an upgrade over Moon’s season average of five points a game.It’s been a pleasant surprise for the Cavaliers, who seem to just keep on getting richer.Shaquille O’Neal and Zydrunas Ilgauskas have figured out how to make their tag-team arrangement work at center. Their teammates have adjusted to the improbable pairing and have learned how to play to their big men’s strengths.Delonte West is giving opponents fits off the bench, exhibiting the savvy and resilience of the seasoned pro that he is.Anderson Varejao, meanwhile, has responded to Brown’s guidance and repented, at least somewhat, of his renowned flopping ways. A recent article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer detailed Varejao’s new approach to defense and how it’s paying off for the Cavs. The 6’11” supersub is having perhaps his most impressive season as a pro.Then there’s Williams, who came off the bench firing with the confidence of a veteran. He scored 10 points in 17 minutes in a win over Portland on Jan. 10 and followed it the next night with 11 important points in 20 minutes in a close win at Golden State.Inside the organization, Williams’ success comes as no surprise. In his second season with Cleveland after stints in Spain, Japan, Israel Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers #86 Hines Ward Realtree camo Jersey
and the NBA D-League, Williams is James’ daily opponent during Cavaliers practices. Going against the NBA’s best, even in a practice setting, has prepared him for the bright lights of game night.Cleveland’s depth may be the deciding factor if they’re to be successful in their quest for a first-ever NBA crown. Moon is scheduled to return by the end of January, and Leon Powe should be ready shortly after that. Add to them backup guard Daniel Gibson, who is currently the Cavs’ odd man out as Brown juggles the riches that await him on Cleveland’s bench.Also in their favor: the rages of time that confront their main rivals atop the NBA.Orlando pinned a lot on the offseason acquisition of 33-year-old Vince Carter, who suffered a shoulder separation on Jan. 8.Boston’s talent is unquestioned, but so is their collective age. Ray Allen, Kevin Garnett, Rasheed Wallace and Paul Pierce are all on the downside of 30, and have battled their share of bumps and bruises in recent years.At 31, even Kobe Bryant appears suddenly vulnerable, given his recent bout with back spasms. As Kobe goes, so go the Lakers.Equally revealing is how the four teams have fared in recent weeks. Boston is 6-6 over its last 12 games, including three losses during a four-game West Coast trip.The Magic and Lakers are just 7-5 over similar spans. The Lakers haven’t had to travel to the opposite coast during that time, and Orlando just won the first of a challenging four-game set out west.The Cavaliers, meanwhile, are 10-2 over their last dozen games, including five wins in six games on two separate West Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers James Harrison Realtree camo Jersey
Coast swings. Home or away, the team appears to have jelled and is playing its best basketball of the season.When it comes to age, O’Neal and Ilgauskas may pose a concern, but?the fact that they’re splitting time evenly has enabled them both to avoid injury and get ample rest as the playoffs approach.Injury can befall anyone at any time. James could go down tomorrow just as easily as Garnett,? Carter, or Bryant. Things being equal, however, the Cavaliers’ combination of youth and depth gives them a significant edge as February dawns on the NBA’s stretch run.

12 Jan 11 NBA Star Search (Jan. 28): Shining the Spotlight on Wednesday's Studs

Chris Graythen/Getty ImagesWe continue our daily recap from a fantasy perspective, pointing out any big rookie performances, double-double's, or unreal individual accomplishments.Take a look at our most recent NBA Star Search piece to get an idea on what you're in for, and/or jump right in and find out who put on a San Diego Chargers jersey
show in Wednesday night's games:Minnesota Timberwolves @ Cleveland CavaliersThere weren't any dynamite performances, but Al Jefferson, Kevin Love, and LeBron James did all manage to drop in double-double efforts.Love's was the most impressive, as he scored 20 points and grabbed 10 rebounds, while Jefferson came in second (14 and 10), and "King" James capped of the game with a solid night of 12 points, 11 assists, and six boards.L.A. Lakers @ Indiana PacersThe Lakers produced three double-double efforts, as Lamar Odom (12 points, 14 rebounds), Andrew Bynum (27 and 12), and Pau Gasol (21 and 13) all chipped in great efforts.Indiana's young center, Roy Hibbert, scored 21 points and grabbed six boards, while Brandon Rush notched a double-double with 13 points and 11 rebounds.Miami Heat @ Toronto RaptorsDwyane Wade was his usual dominant self as he scored 35 points and dished out 10 assists, while Udonis Haslem recorded a double-double, notching 16 points and 11 rebounds.Chris Bosh has a stellar showing for Toronto, reeling in 18 boards, while adding 24 points. Andrea Bargnani added 27 points on impressive 11-of-13 shooting from the floor.L.A. Clippers @ New Jersey NetsChris Kaman did his usual damage down low, scoring 24 points and grabbing 11 rebounds, while Craig Smith chimed in with yet another solid performance, scoring 18 points and snatching eight boards.The real story in this game was New Jersey claiming it's fourth victory of the season, while newly acquired post man, Kris Humphries , delivered a stellar effort.Humphries is a fantasy player on the rise , further evidenced with a career-high 25 points, as well as eight rebounds.Memphs Grizzlies @ Detroit PistonsIt's become a "ho-hum" event in Memphis, but it's still a sight to see when both of your big men can notch double-doubles on the same night.Marc Gasol and Zach Randolph both did so, as Gasol scored 25 points and grabbed 12 rebounds, while Randolph notched 24 and 13.Richard Hamilton and Rodney Stuckey were the stars for Detroit, San Francisco 49ers jersey
as they recorded their own double-doubles. Hamilton scored 16 points and 10 assists, while Stuckey narrowly bested him, dropping in 17 and 11.Philadelphia 76ers @ Milwaukee BucksElton Brand broke-out for his first double-double in over a month, notching 26 points and 10 boards in a road loss the the Bucks.Chicago Bulls @ Oklahoma City ThunderKevin Durant delivered a stellar line of 28 points, 11 rebounds, five assists, and three blocked shots, despite the Thunder falling to the Bulls.Joakim Noah chipped in with a double-double of his own, scoring 13 points and cleaning the glass with 11 boards. Rookie Taj Gibson struggled with his shot, but managed to bring down an impressive 15 rebounds in the win.Atlanta Hawks @ San Antonio SpursJoe Johnson became just the second 30-point scorer of the night, as he dropped in 31 points, despite the Hawks falling to the Spurs.Tim Duncan was off the charts, as he grabbed a career-high 27 rebounds , while also pouring in 21 points in a blow-out win.Denver Nuggets @ Houston RocketsKenyon Martin registered a double-double for Denver, scoring 15 points and grabbing 12 boards, while J.R. Smith came off the bench to score 22 points.Trevor Ariza and Luis Scola notched double-double's in their loss to Denver, as Ariza scored 19 points and grabbed 10 boards, and Scola 20 points and 11 rebounds.Utah Jazz @ Portland Trail BlazersDeron Williams paced the Jazz with 24 points, while Kyle Korver came off the bench to score 16 points on 4-4 shooting from beyond the arc.LaMarcus Aldridge was the top performer for Portland, as he scored 25 points, grabbed nine rebounds, and recorded three steals.New Orleans Hornets @ Golden State WarriorsChris Paul had by far the best night, scoring 38 points on an amazing 14-19 shooting from the Seattle Seahawks jersey
floor, while dishing out nine assists and grabbing six rebounds. Rookie guard Marcus Thornton also chipped in with 18 points.Golden State rookie guard Stephen Curry had another solid game for the Warriors, notching 15 points and eight assists, while grabbing five rebounds and swiping three steals.For more NBA news and Fantasy advice, go here .


10 Jan 11 NBA Trade Deadline 2010: Grading the Transactions

Chris McGrath/Getty ImagesTypically, the NBA trade deadline comes and goes with tons of fanfare and smokescreens with little actual movement taking place.2010 was no typical year.With perhaps the most talented crop of free agents in the history of the league set to become available in July, several teams are scrambling to try and Reebok Denver Broncos #15 Tim Tebow Realtree camo Jersey
save as much money as possible for a potential spending spree.Contenders like Cleveland are also attempting to solidify their rosters in hopes that it will translate into major success come playoff time.This paved the way for several major deals to go down before Thursday's 3 p.m. deadline passed.So without further ado, let's do some evaluating.Wizards-Mavericks TradeMavericks receive: G Caron Butler, C Brendan Haywood andG DeShawn Stevenson.Wizards receive: F Josh Howard, F Drew Gooden, G Quinton Ross andF James Singleton.Dallas MavericksThe Mavs were clearly able to get the best of this deal, and there's little doubt about it.Butler gives them the perimeter scoring and toughness that they used to have with Howard about three years ago. Haywood combines with Erick Dampier to form one of the better defense/rebounding combinations of centers in the entire league.Is this enough to put Dallas over the top?There's no telling. This really depends on how quickly the new guys (especially Butler) are able to adapt to playing in the Mavericks' system.There's also a chance that Drew Gooden will be bought out, and he could return to Dallas after a month. Gooden was having a solid season in Dallas before being shipped out in this deal.The Mavericks are better, but I still don't think they're pushing the Lakers or Nuggets at the top of the West.Grade: A-Washington WizardsFor Washington, this was clearly a move intended to shed some salary and clear space to start rebuilding for the future.Butler was one of the more sought-after scoring talents available before the deadline, and there appeared to be interest from all over the league. While he's had a bit of a down season to this point, he's still a player capable of scoring 20 and playing solid defense night-in and night-out.The Wizards turned three players into four expiring deals, the highlight of which is troubled forward Josh Howard's $11 million contract.They were also able to save themselves from having to pay the $4 million owed to Stevenson next year.Washington is apparently in full-on rebuild mode, and it started with this salary dump.Grade: B-Cavaliers-Wizards-Clippers TradeThis deal was completed Wednesday night.Cavaliers receive: F Antawn Jamison and G Sebastian Telfair.Wizards receive: C Zydrunas Ilgauskas, F Al Thornton, first round draft pick from Cleveland in 2010 and rights to Emir Preldzic.Clippers receive: F Drew GoodenCleveland CavaliersThe Cavs (yet again) think they have acquired a legitimate running mate for LeBron James.Jamison is a rock-solid power forward with the ability to score around the basket as well as from the perimeter.He should be able to effectively spread the floor for James to operate wherever he wants.He's also a good rebounder, averaging about nine per game this season.Jamison should be a nice fit for the Cavaliers as they make a push towards the title.They only really had to give up Ilgauskas, but it looks like he could be on his way back to the Cavs if he's bought out by the Wizards.Keeping young forward JJ Hickson was also a major bonus.Grade: AWashington WizardsThe Wiz continued to dump salary in a rebuilding effort by trading another franchise cornerstone in Jamison. Jamison has two years left on his contract after this season, good for $13 million and $15 million, respectively.They were able to acquire the expiring $11 million contract of Zydrunas Ilgauskas; a player Washington is expected to buy-out.They also took in Al Thornton, a small forward with some scoring ability.Quite frankly, the Wizards could clearly care less if they win another game or not for the rest of the season.It's unfortunate for Washington that they were not able to land any real young talent with any of these trades.On the bright side, considering the dearth of talent that now inhabits the roster, the Wizards Reebok Green Bay Packers #52 Clay Matthews Realtree camo Jersey
look as though they'll be increasing their chances in the John Wall sweepstakes.Grade: C-Los Angeles ClippersThe Clips essentially traded Al Thornton and Sebastian Telfair in exchange for Drew Gooden.Gooden had no desire to play for Washington, but there are reports claiming he would be fine remaining with the Clippers for the rest of the season.He's a nice low post scorer and banger who should add some toughness.It would be very unlikely for him to return to Los Angeles after this season.Grade: BCeltics-Knicks TradeCeltics receive: G Nate Robinson and G Marcus Landry.Knicks receive: G Eddie House, G JR Giddens and F Bill Walker.Boston CelticsWith rumors swirling about Ray Allen in recent weeks, the Celtics opted for a lesser deal, acquiring three-time dunk champion Nate Robinson from New York on Thursday.Robinson will bring big-time energy off of the bench for the aging Celtics and should help provide a much-needed spark.Despite his small stature, Robinson is a scoring machine and can put up bunches of points in very little time.He should prove to be quite a valuable piece, especially when Ray Allen is struggling with his shot.How will his personality blend with the Celtics' veterans?Grade: B+New York KnicksThe Knicks, who have spent months trying to clear enough room as possible to lure a couple of stars this summer, dealt Robinson after several public spats with team management.What does this mean in the long term? Not much, considering Robinson is a free agent after the season and likely wouldn't have been back with the Knicks anyway.The acquisition of a fan-favorite type player and sharpshooter Eddie House should give fans something to enjoy as they wait impatiently for July 1 to arrive.Grade: B+Rockets-Knicks-Kings TradeRockets receive: G Kevin Martin, F Jordan Hill, F Jared Jeffries, C Hilton Armstrong, right to swap first-round picks with New York in 2011 (top-1 protected) and 2012 first-round pick from New York (top-5 protected).Knicks receive: G/F Tracy McGrady and G Sergio Rodriguez.Kings receive: F Carl Landry andF Joey Dorsey.Houston RocketsFor only giving up three players, the Rockets sure did receive a lot in return.They were essentially able to steal Kevin Martin from Sacramento for Carl Landry by himself.While Landry is a rising low post talent and Sixth Man of the Year candidate, the Rockets felt that Martin was better than any player that they were going to be able to get in free agency this summer and pulled the trigger.K-Mart will fit in perfectly with Houston. He's a high-percentage shooter from anywhere on the floor. Once Yao Ming returns next season, he should be able to feed off of the potential double-teams in the post.While he's battled injuries in recent years, he's one of the most efficient scorers in the entire league when healthy.To make up for the departure of Landry, the Rockets were able to snag rookie Jordan Hill from the Knicks.Hill, selected eighth overall in the 2009 draft, has not gotten much time at all to show what he can do.His seasonReebok Indianapolis Colts 18 Peyton Manning Realtree camo Jersey
(and career, obviously) high for minutes in one game is just 20.With a relatively thin frontcourt, Hill should get the opportunity to make a difference right away.He's a project but one with a high enough ceiling that the Rockets were willing to gamble on him.The draft picks from New York (Houston's prize for taking on the contract of Jeffries) were instrumental in getting this deal done.The Rockets have improved themselves and appear to have landed themselves the biggest steal of the week.Grade: A+New York KnicksGM Donnie Walsh accomplished exactly what he has wanted to do all along.He has nabbed the biggest expiring deal in the league in McGrady, and was also able to shed the Jeffries contract that runs through next season.The Knicks are now in position to potentially land two max-contract players this summer in free agency.They'll also get the chance for a first-hand look at McGrady, who has played just 46 minutes total this season.If the former scoring champion is able to give them anything at all in terms of production this season, it'll only be a bonus.If he performs well, some team may be inclined to give him a contract and a shot for the future.Sergio Rodriguez is a player who Mike D'Antoni has always liked, and he's a serviceable NBA point guard.Grade: B+Sacramento KingsThe trade of the former face of their franchise (Martin) came as a huge shock.However, Martin has struggled to blend in well with Kings super-rookie Tyreke Evans, and the team's performance had suffered since Martin returned from a wrist injury.The Kings were demanding a low post scorer in any potential trade for him, and it looked as though there were no suitors until the Rockets stepped in and offered up Carl Landry.Landry is a rising talent who can shoot from anywhere inside the arc with efficiency and is also above 80 percent from the free throw line.He's tenacious on the low block and is proficient at finishing around the rim.He'll fit in quite nicely with Evans and the rest of the Kings' core of young talent.Grade: BTrail Blazers-Clippers TradeTrail Blazers receive: C Marcus CambyClippers receive: F Travis Outlaw and G Steve BlakePortland Trail BlazersThis is likely a short term, band-aid trade for the Blazers.Since both of their normal centers (Greg Oden and Joel Przybilla) are out for the season with Reebok Minnesota Vikings 28 Adrian Peterson Realtree camo Jersey
patella injuries, Portland felt it needed to get a shot-blocking presence in order to be able to go anywhere this season.Camby provides that perhaps better than any other player in the league not named Dwight Howard.On the season, Camby is averaging 12 rebounds and two blocks per game.They didn't have to give up much to get him, and he certainly makes them into a more dangerous team down the stretch.Now, they'll have to hope Brandon Roy's injury won't keep him out for too long.Grade: A+Los Angeles ClippersThe Clippers traded a guy who actually liked being there for a weak package in return.Outlaw, while he's a decent player and certainly very talented, hasn't played since mid-November when he broke his foot.The Clips aren't sure when he'll be able to play again, and he's in the last year of his contract.Steve Blake is a nice backup point guard and should give LA solid minutes whenever Baron Davis is on the bench.This was just an unnecessary move for the Clippers.Grade: DBucks-Bulls TradeBucks receive: G/F John Salmons, option to swap first-round picks with Bulls (top-10 protected) and second-round picks in 2011 and 2012.Bulls receive: F Hakim Warrick and F Joe AlexanderMilwaukee BucksSalmons (whose contract runs through the 2010-11 season) will certainly be an upgrade for the Bucks at two guard, where Charlie Bell has been starting.The 30-year-old is a capable scorer and is averaging about 13 points per game this season.He has the ability to create his own shot and drive to the basket. Heshould be a nice complement for Brandon Jennings in the Bucks' backcourt.The draft picks are nice pickups, as well.Grade: BChicago BullsBoth Warrick and Alexander were acquired by the Bulls because their contracts expire after this season.Warrick is an athletic, wiry big man who puts up decent numbers but doesn't have much impact overall.Alexander has been a major disappointment since being drafted in the lottery in 2008, and rarely saw the floor for the Bucks.This is a straight-up salary dump for the Bulls, and neither player figures into Chicago's long-term plans.Grade: BBobcats-Bulls TradeBobcats receive: F Tyrus ThomasBulls receive: G Ronald "Flip" Murray, G Acie Law IV andfuture first-round pick.Charlotte BobcatsThis could turn out to be a fairly shrewd, under-the-radar move for the Bobcats.Thomas is a player who Larry Brown has always been a fan of. Thomasshould provide a nice boost to their frontline as they try and reach the playoffs for the first time in the franchise's short history.He was a bit of a disappointment for Reebok Minnesota Vikings #4 Brett Favre Realtree camo Jersey
Chicago but did show signs of potentially being a special player from time-to-time.He's incredibly athletic and has enjoyed a nice improvement in his jump shot since entering the league.He should fit in nicely with what the Bobcats are doing.Thomas' contract expires after this season.Grade: B+Chicago BullsThe trade of Thomas effectively clears more money off the books for the Bulls this summer. They appear to be headed for a full-fledged run at players like LeBron James and Dwyane Wade.Chicago is a desirable destination for free agents, and they've got a decent young core highlighted by Derrick Rose and Joakim Noah.Thomas wasn't working out in Chicago anyway, and they did well to at least get a future first round pick out of him.Murray and Law likely won't give them much in terms of on-the-court production and likely won't stay with the Bulls after the season.Grade: BGrizzlies-Jazz TradeGrizzlies receive: F Ronnie BrewerJazz receive: Future first-round draft pickMemphis GrizzliesThe Grizzlies were able to add a rotation player Thursday without breaking up anything they have going this season.Brewer isn't a great scorer, but he has long arms and good athletic ability that makes him a very tough defender.He'll be a good backup for Rudy Gay and OJ Mayo down the stretch, as the Grizzliestry to shock the world and make the playoffs out West.Grade: B+Utah JazzThe Jazz had a logjam at the swing position, and Brewer had become expendable with the way his role has decreased this season.His departure should open up the door for CJ Miles and Wesley Matthews to get more opportunities. Utah has high hopes for both of those players.Getting a pick down the road is nice, but the opportunities for Miles and Matthews are the real bonuses for the Jazz.Grade: BBobcats-Spurs TradeBobcats receive: C Theo RatliffSpurs receive: Protected 2016 second-round draft pickCharlotte BobcatsCharlotte continued to add to their frontcourt, and Ratliff provides a nice, veteran shot-blocking presence off the bench.It's unclear how major his role will be, but he's a worthwhile addition to the roster, if nothing else.They essentially got him for nothing.Grade: BSan Antonio SpursThe Spurs didn't trade Ratliff because they coveted a 2016 second-round pick.Like Utah, San Antonio is making the trade in order to give a younger guy more of an opportunity.In the Spurs' case, the player is rookie DeJuan Blair.Blair has been good in his limited role all season long and will be given more of an opportunity to make an impact now.Grade: BBucks-76ers TradeAnd the award for The Lamest Trade Involving Multiple players goes to...this one! Congratulations!Bucks receive: C Primoz Brezec, G Royal Ivey and2010 second-round pick76ers receive: C Francisco Elson andG Jodie MeeksMilwaukee BucksIvey was a starter for the Bucks a couple of seasons ago and now goes back in what looks like a third-string point guard role behind Brandon Jennings and Luke Ridnour.Brezec, a once-productive player for the Bobcats, will replace Elson as the center who never plays.Not quite sure why Milwaukee made this deal.Were they dumping Meeks' salary?He's scheduled to make under $1 million for each of the next three seasons.Grade: C-Philadelphia 76ersThe prize in this deal is clearly Reebok Minnesota Vikings #69 Jared Allen Realtree camo Jersey
Jodie Meeks.Philly has coveted Meeks since the draft, and now they'll get their chance with him.He was a prolific scorer in college at Kentucky but hasn't really gotten much of a chance with the Bucks.He should come off the bench in a fairly-regular role for Philadelphia, where he'll be expected to do what he does best: score.However, there are doubts as to whether or not his size (6'4") affects his ability to score at this level.Philadelphia didn't give up much in this trade, and there's a chance that they won't get much in return, either.Grade: B-Other TradesNew York Knicks trade Darko Milicic and cash to the Minnesota Timberwolves for Brian Cardinal.Washington Wizards trade Dominic McGuire to Sacramento Kings for a protected second-round draft pick.


9 Jan 11 Culture of Jerk: Big Baby Trying To Injure Shaq Shouldn't Shock Us

Elsa/Getty ImagesI hope Boston Celtics fans aren proud of the product they see on the floor every night. In fact, I hope deep down they are ashamed.I say this as a Cleveland Cavaliers fan, of course, so let me get it out there right away. I understand that fans of other teams might hate mine.LeBron can come off as annoying, Anderson Varejo must drive people crazy and I know Shaquille ONeal has rubbed tons of players the wrong way. Carrying a bias for my guys and disliking others is part of fandom.But the time has come to recognize that the Boston Celtics have been living Houston Texans jersey
beyond this line for years.Any NBA fan who saw the Glen Big Baby Davis try to twist Shaq injured thumb during the Celtics Cavs game on TNT last Thursday should despise the Celtics and the Culture of Jerk they embody.The actual injury wasn a big deal. Shaq was injured in a basketball play when Big Baby paw raked across his hand during a shot attempt. We shouldn have a problem with that part.But Big Baby was caught on tape a few minutes later trying to aggravate the injury away from the action, by twistingShaq's thumb as they posted each other up. That goes beyond gamesmanship.It just plain dirty.But sadly, we really shouldn be surprised. The Celtics have been collecting and grooming bad people for a while now.The difference in how they and the Cavs view the world can be summed in how they approached last year trading deadline.The Cavs and Celtics were atop the standing and looking for to enhance their rosters by adding recently released players. The Cavs chose Joe Smith, a nice-guy veteran professional. The Celtics chose Stephon Marbury, a self-centered headcase who had been banished from the Knicks for his conduct.In short, the Cavs value nice people, while the Celtics value jerks. Let take a closer look at the fine men the Celtics have given their fans to cheer for: Ray AllenOK he actually is a fine man. I have no problem with him and nobody else should either. He is a team player and a professionalwho shouldn be lumped together with the rest. Sadly that all. Kevin GarnettThe Sheriff of JerkTown. Being intense and passionate is one thing, but being acting tough for show is quite another. Garnett is an over-actor who picks on guys who aren't his own size. He couldn cut it as the number one option in his early years, so once he was traded to the Celtics, he used his new teammate's support as a platform to act like a jerk and pick on opponents roll-players.Has he ever gotten in Shaq face or Ben Wallace or Jermaine ONeal or Dwight Howard face? No. Did he get in Jose Caledron? Yes. Being a bully is what he is all about. Paul Indianapolis Colts jersey
PierceMaster of the Sad Bear Loser Face . Pierce is still so scarred from a decade of losing basketball in Beantown that this sheepish, defeated look is permanently fixed on his face.Again, I realize there are people out there who can stand the calls LeBron gets and think he hams up contact in the playoffsI get that. But it Pierce who missed his calling as an actor / soccer player in the 2008 playoffs .Don play that role and pretend to be a warrior at the end of the day. Remember, nobody wanted off their team worse than Pierce wanted off the 2006 Celtics. Now he part of a winner and that all goes away.You can be a champion and still be a punk. The worst thing youll find on YouTube of LeBron James is his refusal to shake hands with the Orlando Magic after they eliminated the Cavs in the playoffs last year. Ill take that as the worst thing my player does any day, I mean it not like he flashes gang signs when he losing. Rasheed WallaceAgain, as a Cavs fan I reserve a special place in my heart for Rasheed. I am not saying that any of these guys aren great players, but Rasheeds reputation stands for itself and it makes perfect sense that Celtics picked him this off-season to compliment their jerk-laden roster.Wallace has been ejected from 30 games in his career. He set the NBA record for most technical fouls in a season, twice and if you look up that stat today, youll notice he sits atop the league again (despite no longer starting). Youll also notice that Celtics teammate Kendrick Perkins is third. Rajon Rondo Cant really fault him for going with the crowd and Garnett and Co have set quite the example for him. Nonetheless, he is a great player who stands to ruin his reputation if he continues to play dirty. If you turn your back on him, hell slap you silly . He better than that. Kendrick PerkinsLike Rondo, Perkins might have had a chance had he come up with a different crowd. Instead, he gets unraveled easily and wouldn be half the player he is now without the players around him. He has even adopted the Sad Bear Face Paul Pierce patented: Maybe if I look as ugly Jacksonville Jaguars jersey
and pathetic as possible, the refs will pity me. Perkins is currently third in the league in technical fouls assessed. Glen Big Baby DavisOriginally nicknamed Baby Shaq at LSU, his nickname morphed once he got to the NBA for a reason. You might remember seeing him cry on the sidelines after the Sheriff yelled at him. We can now add attempting to exacerbate Shaq injury to his jacket, which also features him getting suspended for fighting with a friend in the off-season and knocking over a little kid after hitting a game winning shot. Nice.


8 Jan 11 Washington Wizards Moving Forward With Blueprint for Rebuilding

Elsa/Getty ImagesThe Washington Wizards have an uphill battle to fight over the next few years. Through diligent work, good talent evaluation, and the right mix of players/player personalities, they could have a surprisingly bright future. Assuming everything goes to plan, that is.That plan is still being laid out with each week that passes en route to the offseason.Let us assume that the Wizards will be without the services of newly numbered Gilbert Arenas, who recently changed his jersey number from '0' to '6' as he awaits sentencing for ringing in the New Minnesota Vikings
Year with guns blazing. That would leave Andray Blatche as the de facto leader and foundation for the team.With less than a handful of players contracted through next season, there is a lot of room for roster turnover once the season ends.A perfect situation for a team fresh off of three years of denial.Ever since the Kwame Brown debacle of 2001, the Wizards' front office has been reluctant to put any stock in the draft. Only Nick Young, JaVale McGee, and Blatche were selected by Washington. Every other pick they have made is on another team or out of the league.They traded away the draft rights to Devin Harris for Antawn Jamison, who is now with Cleveland. They traded away their first round pick in 2005 for Brendan Haywood, who is now with Dallas. They traded two second round picks for cash considerations to accommodate Arenas' contract.The front office has a lot to make up for and less time to make up for it.So what to do with a potential top five selection in the draft and some wiggle room under the salary cap?As I said, for the sake of argument, Arenas isn't on the books for next season. That frees up roughly $17 million in cap space, meaning the Wizards would have less than $20 million in contracted players. The downside of that is the lack of players on the roster with only four players on the payroll for next season.Washington does have the luxury of weighing their many options and setting in motion a three year plan that could renew their once bright future.As it stands now, the Wizards are set at power forward with the emergence of Blatche. He is averaging over 20 points per game and grabbing a ton of rebounds since becoming the starter. Why some sites have him listed as a center, I do not know. He is a power forward and a good one at that.The Wizards can easily fill the bench and much of the starting lineup with players they already have.Mike Miller should get a contract because head coach Flip Saunders doesn't seem too confident in Young's maturity at shooting guard. McGee is still raw, but has put up a few double-doubles since becoming the starter. He has the athleticism to be great, but could stand to beef up a bit for some added strength on the boards to go with his superior length.Randy Foye should be brought back because he is young and showed he New England Patriots jersey
can be a decent starting option. Thornton is under contract, and as inconsistent as he can be, is capable of 20 points and 10 rebounds on any given night at small forward.Re-signing James Singleton, and letting Quinton Ross exercise his option to stay with the team gives the Wizards eight players with plenty of room for growth.The draft is the key to the long-term view of the future, as the Wizards stand to have four picks come draft day.Washington's record gives them a good chance at a top five pick and an outside shot at the first overall pick. They own Cleveland's first round pick, which figures to be in the later stages of the draft, and could have Sacramento's second round pick if it is outside of the top 41 picks.In my opinion, the Wizards need a long-term shooting guard. Miller is an unrestricted free agent after this season, and SHOULD get a contract, but is definitely not guaranteed to.In the event that Wizards find themselves in the top two or three picks, Evan Turner is the obvious selection. He is a great all-around player, and while he is more of a scorer than a shooter, he makes his three-point attempts count. As a sophomore he shot 44 percent from beyond the arc.Even better about Turner is that he can easily move to small forward if the Wizards keep the pure-shooting Miller around.Turner would be the ideal top pick, but if Washington falls out of the top two picks, there are plenty of great options available. The short list of those options includes DeMarcus Cousins from Kentucky, Xavier Henry from Kansas, Al-Farouq Aminu from Wake Forest, Cole Aldrich from Kansas, and Wesley Johnson from Syracuse.Each fits differently into the Wizards' plans.Henry is a great scorer and shooter, which would be ideal if Miller isn't brought back for next season. Cousins is a big body in the middle, and could push McGee aside as he is a bit stronger. Aldrich is also an option in the middle and while he is not as big as Cousins (just 245 pounds to Cousins' 280) he is more refined and has a better motor in game.Johnson and Aminu would push Thornton to the bench if proven ready to start the season.Both are incredibly long, boasting wingspans of 7', and can be productive on the glass. Johnson's two blocks per game average and great movement away from the ball remind me of Josh Smith, though shorter and much lighter. Aminu is more versatile and willing to play the power game, but could stand to bulk up himself. At 205 pounds, he won't hold up against the bigger forwards in the NBA unless he does.The high draft picks are alwaysNew Orleans Saints jersey
the most scrutinized, but there is very little the Wizards could do wrong if they select any of the projected lottery picks.The only hope is the Wizards do better with these picks than they did with their 2002 draft where they had four picks. Juan Dixon, Jared Jeffries, Rod Grizzard, and Juan Carlos Navarro were not the best selections, and only one, Jeffries, is still in the NBA. If things are going to get any better for the Wizards, the draft is the first step towards the future they hope to have.

8 Jan 11 Washington Wizards Moving Forward With Blueprint for Rebuilding

Elsa/Getty ImagesThe Washington Wizards have an uphill battle to fight over the next few years. Through diligent work, good talent evaluation, and the right mix of players/player personalities, they could have a surprisingly bright future. Assuming everything goes to plan, that is.That plan is still being laid out with each week that passes en route to the offseason.Let us assume that the Wizards will be without the services of newly numbered Gilbert Arenas, who recently changed his jersey number from '0' to '6' as he awaits sentencing for ringing in the New Minnesota Vikings
Year with guns blazing. That would leave Andray Blatche as the de facto leader and foundation for the team.With less than a handful of players contracted through next season, there is a lot of room for roster turnover once the season ends.A perfect situation for a team fresh off of three years of denial.Ever since the Kwame Brown debacle of 2001, the Wizards' front office has been reluctant to put any stock in the draft. Only Nick Young, JaVale McGee, and Blatche were selected by Washington. Every other pick they have made is on another team or out of the league.They traded away the draft rights to Devin Harris for Antawn Jamison, who is now with Cleveland. They traded away their first round pick in 2005 for Brendan Haywood, who is now with Dallas. They traded two second round picks for cash considerations to accommodate Arenas' contract.The front office has a lot to make up for and less time to make up for it.So what to do with a potential top five selection in the draft and some wiggle room under the salary cap?As I said, for the sake of argument, Arenas isn't on the books for next season. That frees up roughly $17 million in cap space, meaning the Wizards would have less than $20 million in contracted players. The downside of that is the lack of players on the roster with only four players on the payroll for next season.Washington does have the luxury of weighing their many options and setting in motion a three year plan that could renew their once bright future.As it stands now, the Wizards are set at power forward with the emergence of Blatche. He is averaging over 20 points per game and grabbing a ton of rebounds since becoming the starter. Why some sites have him listed as a center, I do not know. He is a power forward and a good one at that.The Wizards can easily fill the bench and much of the starting lineup with players they already have.Mike Miller should get a contract because head coach Flip Saunders doesn't seem too confident in Young's maturity at shooting guard. McGee is still raw, but has put up a few double-doubles since becoming the starter. He has the athleticism to be great, but could stand to beef up a bit for some added strength on the boards to go with his superior length.Randy Foye should be brought back because he is young and showed he New England Patriots jersey
can be a decent starting option. Thornton is under contract, and as inconsistent as he can be, is capable of 20 points and 10 rebounds on any given night at small forward.Re-signing James Singleton, and letting Quinton Ross exercise his option to stay with the team gives the Wizards eight players with plenty of room for growth.The draft is the key to the long-term view of the future, as the Wizards stand to have four picks come draft day.Washington's record gives them a good chance at a top five pick and an outside shot at the first overall pick. They own Cleveland's first round pick, which figures to be in the later stages of the draft, and could have Sacramento's second round pick if it is outside of the top 41 picks.In my opinion, the Wizards need a long-term shooting guard. Miller is an unrestricted free agent after this season, and SHOULD get a contract, but is definitely not guaranteed to.In the event that Wizards find themselves in the top two or three picks, Evan Turner is the obvious selection. He is a great all-around player, and while he is more of a scorer than a shooter, he makes his three-point attempts count. As a sophomore he shot 44 percent from beyond the arc.Even better about Turner is that he can easily move to small forward if the Wizards keep the pure-shooting Miller around.Turner would be the ideal top pick, but if Washington falls out of the top two picks, there are plenty of great options available. The short list of those options includes DeMarcus Cousins from Kentucky, Xavier Henry from Kansas, Al-Farouq Aminu from Wake Forest, Cole Aldrich from Kansas, and Wesley Johnson from Syracuse.Each fits differently into the Wizards' plans.Henry is a great scorer and shooter, which would be ideal if Miller isn't brought back for next season. Cousins is a big body in the middle, and could push McGee aside as he is a bit stronger. Aldrich is also an option in the middle and while he is not as big as Cousins (just 245 pounds to Cousins' 280) he is more refined and has a better motor in game.Johnson and Aminu would push Thornton to the bench if proven ready to start the season.Both are incredibly long, boasting wingspans of 7', and can be productive on the glass. Johnson's two blocks per game average and great movement away from the ball remind me of Josh Smith, though shorter and much lighter. Aminu is more versatile and willing to play the power game, but could stand to bulk up himself. At 205 pounds, he won't hold up against the bigger forwards in the NBA unless he does.The high draft picks are alwaysNew Orleans Saints jersey
the most scrutinized, but there is very little the Wizards could do wrong if they select any of the projected lottery picks.The only hope is the Wizards do better with these picks than they did with their 2002 draft where they had four picks. Juan Dixon, Jared Jeffries, Rod Grizzard, and Juan Carlos Navarro were not the best selections, and only one, Jeffries, is still in the NBA. If things are going to get any better for the Wizards, the draft is the first step towards the future they hope to have.